Traversing The Path

A Break In The Clouds

Traversing The Path

Status Report, Two Weeks In:

Had a great technical interview with a promising opportunity yesterday! The role would be on a small team of other DevOps folks and I wouldn't be the most junior member on the team, both different dynamics than my last stints as a junior member of an SRE team and then an embedded SRE. I went into the interview with considerable stress weighing on me, but I answered most everything well based on feedback during and at the end of the interview. Hopefully, this leads to an offer -- there's one more interview, more social than technical, with the rest of the team to go.

Post-Interview Thoughts:

Some notes to jot down after the interview, from questions I struggled with or had to pass on to general interviewing considerations.

Either way, a hopeful development, and pursuing more opportunities while I see where that one goes. The only way forward is through, not a step back.